Bikepark Zauberberg Semmering
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The Bikepark Zau[:ber:]g Semmering consists of numerous trails with a total distance of 13 km and offers action and entertainment for all ages, beginners and professionals alike. Not only will hard-boiled bikers enjoy the great biking trails of the magic mountain, but also the whole family. A special treat for families, bikepark beginners and company outings is a ride with the monster rollers. Equipped with one of our monster rollers, protection gear and helmet, you can fly down the family trail to the valley. Advanced riders enjoy the freeride trail with its challenging passages and fun jumps. On the steep downhill ride, a trail left in its natural state, experienced bikers speed down to the valley. Freeriders can go wild in the slopestyle park, where jumps and other elements guarantee action and fun. Another highlight of the bike park is the northshore park next to the lower station, where one can ride and jump on various wooden elements. If you rather pass on this great challenge, you may enjoy watching the bikers from the ZauberBAR terrace which offers great views.
The Bikepark Zauberberg Semmering is just 1 h drive away from Vienna.
Gondola brings you up to the Hirschenkogel. Bike is transported inside the Gondala which can hold up to 3 Riders+Bike each.
Bikeshop with Rental (Specialized) at the park. Camping is allowed and for free at the parking area.
24 h "Race the night" Downhill, White Down winter riding, BBQ at Season Opening and Season closing.
Camping is allowed and free at the parking area. Some hotels nearby.
Find Accomodation for Semmering via
Lichtenstenhaus at the top. Zauberbar at the bottom for snacks and drinks.